$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 calculateTotalMilliseconds, TimeObject
 checkJavaScriptEnvironment, JavaScript
 concurrentLoadLimit, LoadManager
 content, LoadItem
 convertData, LoadItem
 copyright, CoreObject
 coreClass, Introspection
 CoreObject_environData, CoreObject
 CoreObject_stageExistCallbacks, CoreObject
 CoreObject_stageSearchActive, CoreObject
 create, BNMAPI
 createBoolean, XMLs
 createByte, XMLs
 createDataFromNode, XMLs
 createInteger, XMLs
 createLoad, LoadManager
 createMethod, XMLs
 createNewFIFOBuffer, LoadManager
 createNumber, XMLs
 createObject, XMLs
 createString, XMLs
 createThread, ThreadManager
 createUnsigned, XMLs
 createXML, XMLs
 data, XMLs
 date, DateObject
 dateIndex, DateObject
 day, DateObject
 dayOfWeek, DateObject
 debug, Introspection
 deRegisterExternalNode, Events
 destroyThread, ThreadManager
 disable, Thread
 disableDebug, Introspection
 elapsedHours, TimeObject
 elapsedMilliseconds, TimeObject
 elapsedMinutes, TimeObject
 elapsedSeconds, TimeObject
 enableDebug, Introspection
 environment, CoreObject
 Events_connection, Events
 Events_initialized, Events
 Events_JSsupported, Events
 events_listeners, Events
 Events_listeners, Events
 Events_nodeName, Events
 Events_nodes, Events
 execute, Thread
 executeThreads, ThreadManager
 externalSecurityCheck, Events
 fastBuffer, LoadItem
 findThread, ThreadManager
 fromDollarString, CoreData
 fromHexString, CoreData
 fromHexValue, CoreData
 Functions and Properties
private function calculateTotalMilliseconds():void
Calculates the total milliseconds from the appropriate class member variables.
public function checkJavaScriptEnvironment ():void
Checks the runtime environment for JavaScript availability as well as running some simple tests to determine what JavaScript functionality is available.
public var code: int
(int) An error code to include with the error broadcast and/or with the Flash runtime error dialog.
public var code: int
(int) An error code to include with the exception.
public function commit(... args):void
Commits the error broadcast by broadcasting to all listeners and/or displays the Flash error dialog.
public function commit()
Commits the exception by throwing an Error object.
public function set concurrentLoadLimit (limit: uint)
public function get content ():*
private function convertData ():void
Converts data to the content object type based on the internal _type type.
public function get copyright():String
public function coreClass(... value):Object
Returns the top-level or core class of the specified parameter object.
Provides facilities for data checking and conversion for all types of Flash data types.
public function CoreData()
Constructor method for the class.
This is the core interface for the BNMAPI.
The CoreObject class is the top of the API trunk chain.
public function CoreObject()
The constructor method for the class.
private static var CoreObject_environData: Object
(Object) Stores global environment data for the current application.
private static var CoreObject_stageExistCallbacks: Array
(Array) An array of method references to be called when the main ‘stage’ object instance becomes available.
private static var CoreObject_stageSearchActive: Boolean
(Boolean) Tracks whether or not the stage search method is currently active or not.
public static function create ()
A static secondary constructor that can be used to non-destructively instantiate the API.
private function createBoolean(sourceXML: XML,
targetObject: *)
private function createByte(sourceXML: XML,
targetObject: *)
private function createDataFromNode(nodeRef: *,
parentObject: *):void
private function createInteger(sourceXML: XML,
targetObject: *)
public function createLoad (loadObject: Object):LoadItem
loadObject (Object, required): An object containing the parameters to be associated with the load item.
private function createMethod(sourceXML: XML,
targetObject: *)
public function createNewFIFOBuffer():FIFOBuffer
Creates a new FIFOBuffer for use with loads that need to retain sequencing.
private function createNumber(sourceXML: XML,
targetObject: *)
private function createObject(sourceXML: XML,
targetObject: *):Object
private function createString(sourceXML: XML,
targetObject: *)
public function createThread(threadObj: Object,
... parameters):Thread
Creates a Thread instance and assigns all of the associated parameters.
private function createUnsigned(sourceXML: XML,
targetObject: *)
private function createXML(sourceXML: XML,
targetObject: *)
public function get data():Object
public function get date():Date
public function get dateIndex():uint
Stores dates, both absolute and relative, and calculates differences.
public function DateObject(... args)
Creates a new DateObject instance.
public function get day():Number
public function get dayOfWeek():Number
public function debug(message: *,
... args):void
Sends a debug message to all registered listeners.
private function deRegisterExternalNode (nodeNum: int):void
De-registers an external node as a listener.
public function destroyThread(threadObj: Thread)
Destroys (removes) a running thread from the execution stack.
public function disable():void
Disables the thread from further execution.
public function disableDebug(eventObj: Object):void
Used to disable debugging messages via the debug method.
public function get elapsedHours():uint
public function get elapsedMilliseconds():uint
public function get elapsedMinutes():uint
public function get elapsedSeconds():uint
public function enableDebug(eventObj: Object):void
Used to enable debugging messages via the debug method.
public function get environment():Object
Used for reporting and broadcasting errors.
public function ErrorBroadcast (sourceObject: *,
sourceMethod: Function,
... args)
Creates a new ErrorBroadcast instance.
The Events class is the heart of the BNMAPI.
public function Events ()
Constructor method for the class.
Constructor method for the class.
public static var Events_connection: LocalConnection
(LocalConnection) Listening and broadcasting connection used for external events.
public static var Events_initialized: Boolean
(Boolean) Stores whether (TRUE) or not (FALSE) the event broadcasting system is initialized.
public static var Events_JSsupported: Boolean
(Boolean) TRUE if the JavaScript event mechanism is available via the ExternalInterface class.
(Array) An array of listening objects.
public static var Events_listeners: Array
public static var Events_nodeName: String
(String) The name of the connection being used for this node.
public static var Events_nodes: Array
(Array) Array of external event nodes.
Used for reporting fatal errors that occur in an application.
public function Exception (sourceObject: *,
sourceMethod: Function,
... args)
Creates a new Exception instance.
public function execute():void
Executes the thread instance, calling the targetted method with the specified parameters, and at the interval supplied.
private function executeThreads(eventObj: TimerEvent):void
Executes threads based on the provided execution model.
private function externalSecurityCheck(URL: String):Boolean
Method used for validity/security checking of URLs for LocalConnection connection attempts.
public function set fastBuffer (bufferSet: Boolean)
private function findThread(threadObj: Thread)
Finds a thread from the execution stack based on the supplied Thread object instance.
public function fromDollarString (inp: String):*
Converts a string from a dollar string (such as one that would be created by the toDollarString method) and creates a number out of it.
public function fromHexString(input: String):String
Converts the hexadecinal input string to its plain text value.
public function fromHexValue(input: String):Number
Converts the input number from its hexadecimal string representation to a number value.