$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 maxConcurrentLoads, LoadManager
 method, LoadItem
 milliseconds, TimeObject
 minutes, TimeObject
 month, DateObject
 newErrorBroadcast, CoreData
 newTimeObject, CoreData
 onCountDownComplete, TimeObject
 onCountDownTick, TimeObject
 onCountUpTick, TimeObject
 onCreateLoadEvent, LoadManager
 onExists, Introspection
 onExistsMonitor, Introspection
 onExternalEventError, Events
 onExternalEventStatus, Events
 onHTTPStatus, LoadItem
 onIOError, LoadItem
 onLoadComplete, LoadItem
 onLoadEnd, LoadManager
 onProgress, LoadItem
 onReadLoaderBuffer, LoadItem
 onSecurityError, LoadItem
 onSoundProgress, LoadItem
 onStageExists, CoreObject
 parseData, XMLs
 path, LoadItem
 Properties, Thread
 queryEnvironment, CoreObject
 receiveExternalEvent, Events
 receiveJavaScriptEvent, Events
 registerExternalEvents, Events
 registerExternalNode, Events
 registerJavaScriptEvents, Events
 removeListener, Events
 removeSoundListeners, LoadItem
 replaceString, CoreData
 reset, Thread
 resetCountDown, TimeObject
 resetCountUp, TimeObject
 runtime, CoreObject
public function get maxConcurrentLoads ():Boolean
public var message: String
(String) A string describing the error condition.
public var message: String
(String) A string describing the fatal condition.
public function set method (methodString: String)
public function set milliseconds (msVal: uint)
public function set minutes (minuteVal: uint)
public function get month():Number
public function newErrorBroadcast(... args):ErrorBroadcast
Returns an instance of a new ErrorBroadcast object.
public function newTimeObject(... args):TimeObject
Returns an instance of a new TimeObject.
public function onCountDownComplete(eventObj: TimerEvent):void
Invoked when the countdown timer completes.
public function onCountDownTick (eventObj: TimerEvent):void
Invoked on every countdown interval tick.
public function onCountUpTick (eventObj: TimerEvent):void
Invoked on every countup interval tick.
public function onCreateLoadEvent (eventObj: Object):void
Invoked via the “LoadManager.CREATELOAD” event and is used as the event listener gateway for the createLoad method.
public function onExists(property: String,
target: *,
callback: Function,
... parms):void
Begins a monitoring process for a property within a specified object.
private function onExistsMonitor(eventObj: TimerEvent):void
Timer-based looping method that monitors specified target object(s) for properties and invokes callback methods once those properties become available.
public function onExternalEventError(eventObj: AsyncErrorEvent)
Handles asynchronous error events raised by the LocalConnection instance used for external broadcasts.
public function onExternalEventStatus(eventObj: StatusEvent)
Handles StatusEvent events sent by the LocalConnection instance used for external broadcasts.
public function onHTTPStatus (eventObj: HTTPStatusEvent):void
Invoked via a standard HTTPStatusEvent event whenever a load operation reports an HTTP status (404, 200, etc.)
public function onIOError (eventObj: IOErrorEvent):void
public function onLoadComplete (eventObj: Event):void
Invoked via a standard Event event whenever a load operation successfully completes.
public function onLoadEnd (eventObj: Object):void
All-purpose method used for tracking the end of a load.
public function onProgress (eventObj: ProgressEvent):void
Invoked by Flash on any ProgressEvent event for the associated load item.
public function onReadLoaderBuffer(eventObj: Event):void
The final step in data conversion (after invoking convertData) for MovieClip, Bitmap, and Sprite types that require a buffer conversion from a ByteArray to a Loader type.
public function onSecurityError (eventObj: SecurityErrorEvent):void
Invoked via a standard SecurityErrorEvent event whenever a load operation halts due to a security restriction.
public function onSoundProgress (eventObj: ProgressEvent):void
Trackes the progress of a Sound instance via ProgressEvent broadcasts.
public function onStageExists(eventObj: Event):void
Event listener invoked when the main `stage` object becomes available in the associated application.
private function parseData(xmlData: *):void
public function set path (pathString: String)
private function queryEnvironment():void
Queries the environment to determine what type of functionality the API should and shouldn’t be allowed to execute.
public function receiveExternalEvent (externalEvent: Object)
Receives external events from sending nodes via the LocalConnection object.
public function receiveJavaScriptEvent(externalEvent: Object,
argsPackage: Array)
Receives an event from a JavaScript event broadcast.
public function registerExternalEvents()
Registers this class and the API with any other external event listeners/broadcasters.
private function registerExternalNode (nodeNum: int):Boolean
Attempts to register a single external event node at a given node index.
private function registerJavaScriptEvents()
Registers a listening method within this class with the ExternalInterface class for invokation via JavaScript.
public var remedy: String
(String) A string describing a possible solution to the problem.
public var remedy: String
(String) A string describing a possible solution to the problem.
public function removeListener(listener: Function,
msg: String,
... args):Boolean
Removes a listener from the stack.
private function removeSoundListeners ():void
Removes event listeners for the Sound object, typically when the load operation completes.
public function replaceString(sourceString: *,
targetString: *,
metaString: *):String
Replaces a source string (the meta string) in a given input sring with a new string.
public function reset():void
Resets the current thread to its starting state.
public function resetCountDown(... args):void
Resets the count down timer.
public function resetCountUp(... args):void
Resets the countup timer.
public function get runtime():Object